
Tera Fulbright

"A Charming Encounter" has been released in Tales of Fortannis: A Bard Act to Follow, available through Amazon.

"Jump Back Into the Fight" was included in Tales of Fortannis: A Bard Day's Knight
The Kindle version is available on Amazon.

"Knight's Gambit" was released in the anthology Tales of Fortannis: A Bard In The Hand, available from Amazon.

"Faith" a short story in the anthology Tales of Fortannis: A Bard's Eye View, from Amazon in paperback and in Kindle format.

"Not Broken, Just Bent" was included in Athena's Daughters, available on Amazon.

"The Cellar Door" was released in the anthology, Dark Fairy Tales Revisited, from Amazon in Kindle format  or Lulu in trade paperback.